Annual Congress 2024
Sciences Po, Paris, July 8-12
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Global Planning Education Network [GPEAN]

M - 1 place Saint Thomas d'Aquin
Wed, 10:45 - 12:30

Planning Education as game changer

This session aims to bring into discussion what planning is able to do to “change the game” at a global level and how can planning education play a role in that. What is the old game and what has changed? What are the old fashioned ways of doing things and what do we need to change? How does or should planning education respond to the pressing issues of our times marked by climate emergency, escalating crises of social, economic, health, spatial and environmental inequalities. Do our current curricula provide prospective planers with the knowledge and skills to respond to these urgent issues? What gaps can we identify among the competencies we provide, and what are the needs in practice? How can we adapt the curricula to meet the challenges of ecological and social transition? What changes are needed in order to prepare our students for playing an effective role in transitioning to a “better world” that is decarbonized, healthy and just?  What knowledge and skills do we need to introduce into planning courses in order to make students aware of the potential role of planning as a game-changer? 


Zeynep Enlil, Chair GPEAN, TUPOB, Yıldız Technical University
Paulo Silva, Vice-Chair, GPEAN, AESOP, University of Aveiro
Deden Rukmana, Secretary, GPEAN, ACSP, Alabama A&M University
Ahsan Habib, ACUPP, Dalhousie University
Ayşin Dedekorkut Howes, ANZAPS, Griffith University
Jean-Michel Roux, APERAU, University Bordeaux Montaigne
Daniel İnkoom, AAPS, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

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