T9 | Multi-ethnicity and Instrumental greenspaces
J - 13 rue de l'Université
Tue, 10:45 - 12:30
2582 | Segolene Darly: Does Agriculture Make Urban Natural Parks More Inclusive ?
1615 | Yinghui Jia: Dispersed Urban Spatial Structure And Increased Urban Greenness Could Reduce Intra-City Health Inequality In England
1580 | Leiting Cen: Has Green Justice Changed Worse Over Time? Evidence From Urban Parks In Shanghai, China
1906 | Dakota Mccarty: Evaluating Urban Park Equity Through Development Of The Park Desert Index
1263 | Paola Briata: Changing The Game In Multi-Ethnic Areas. Spatial Policies And Everyday Multiculturalism
2448 | Burcu Ateş: Living With Superdiversity: Socio-Spatialising Migrations In The City Of Van
1429 | Nerea Viana Alzola: Unexpected Urban Inclusions: Newcomers And The Hybridization Of Space Over Time
TRACK 9 overview